Part Two

Welcome to the Resilience Module, Part Two!

In the last module we looked at building resilience by increasing positive emotions.  We can also work at reducing negative thinking.  Our brains are hard-wired to scan for threat, and to look for the negative.  Ever notice how you might have a day when ten things go right, one thing goes wrong, and all you can think about at the end of the day is that one thing that went badly?  This is because of the negativity bias of our brains – they are like ‘velcro for the bad and Teflon for the good’.   The good news is that we can retrain our mental habits so that we become better at seeking for and appreciating the good, and giving less weight to the negative.  Like all the other skills we are learning in this class, though, this takes practice.  We’ll learn some tools and exercises to do this in this module.  Start by watching this brief video, and then move on to try at least one exercise from the heart, head and hand category. Feel free to share your experiences in a discussion posting!


Now you’ve watched this introductory video, let’s try some of the resilience-building techniques!  Try to do exercises in each of the categories of Heart, Head and Hand. 

CARE Course Progress

Here’s a library and video gallery about mindfulness, intended to explain what mindfulness is, why it is helpful, and to inspire you to try it.  Take a look or listen – do any of these inspire you?  


Here are some different resilience exercises for you to try.  

The first one is a short video about how to defeat negative thinking.   Watch it, and then practice the ‘distract and dispute’ technique next time you are feeling negative. 

The other four activities also encourage you to develop resilience, by focusing on positive things and reframing your understanding of events with a more positive perspective.  Click the links to open them. Consider sharing in the discussion post about your experiments with resilience – we’d love to hear how you got on!

Try this Three Good Things Exercise


Discussion Prompt

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