- Video: Donna Eden’s Daily Energy Routine (12 mins)
- Website: The Nap Ministry. “Rest is Resistance”
- Video: The Happy Secret to Better Work. Shawn Achor.
- Video: PERMA formula for wellbeing with Martin Seligman
- Video: The power of believing that you can improve – Carol Dweck.
- Video: The Surprising Science of Happiness – Dan Gilbert
- Article: 6 skills that will increase your well-being
- Article: Building your resilience roadmap (American Psychological Association).
- Article. Flourish: Positive Psychology and Positive Interventions, by Martin Seligman.
- Article: 13 things that will make you much happier.
- Activity: Creating and Recalling Positive Events
- Activity: Savoring Walk
- Activity: Three Good Things
- Activity: Gratitude journal
- Meditation: A gratitude break (6 mins)
- Meditation: Simply Being – relaxation and presence
- Meditation Video: The Practice of Savoring as a Gateway to Happiness.
- Meditation video: 5 minutes gratitude meditation
- Meditation: Loving this Life – Happiness
- Podcast: Positive Psychology Podcasts
- Podcast: Sonia Lyobumirsky on the myths of happiness
- Websites: 21 Best Psychology Websites
- Website: UPenn Positive Psychology Center
- Website: Positive Psychology News
- Website: Action for Happiness
- Video: The Power of Gratitude
- Video: Your brain is wired for negative thoughts. Here’s how to change it (4 mins).
- Meditation: Quieting the Inner Critic (13 mins)
- Meditation: The RAIN of self-compassion. Tara Brach. (10 mins)
- Meditation: Emotional Intelligence – finding and expanding positive feelings. Andra West. (9 mins).
- Meditation: Mental and emotional support practice. John Siddique. (7 mins).
- Video: Anxiety Busters – How to Combat Negative Thoughts (5 mins).
- Video: The Three Secrets of Resilient People. Lucy Hone. (16 mins).
- Video: Three Invaluable Tools to Boost Your Resilience (5 mins).
- Video: The Power of Resilience (5 mins)
- Video: How To Build Your Mental Strength (5 mins)
- Activity: The Six Skills That Will Improve Your Wellbeing
- Article: 13 Things That Will Make You Much Happier
- Article: Resilience – American Psychological Association
- Video playlist: How To Navigate Modern Life
- Video: In Brief – The Science of Resilience
- Article: We Live in a Burnout Culture –
- Trauma Stewardship
- Article: The Science of Gratitude (
- Article and audio: Burnout- How to escape toxic workplace culture and build a better life, by Jonathan Malesic
- Website: Soul Collage