WELCOME to Week 1 - Awareness (Part 1)

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In this module, we’ll explore meditations and practices designed to help you to learn about and develop more mindful awareness. Watch these videos introducing Awareness and explaining the concept of mindfulness, then choose activities to try from the head, heart and hand sections, below.

Head: What is Awareness?

Now you’ve watched these introductory videos, let’s try some of the  mindful awareness-building techniques!
Try to do exercises in each of the categories of Heart, Head, and Hand. 


See if you can do at least one activity per week: Watch videos, read articles, or listen to podcasts.


Explore the on-the-go activities below - see if you can incorporate them into your day They take just a few minutes - or less!

Sharing our experiences is a way we can support each other, build community, and deepen our understanding.  Please consider joining the private Facebook page for CARE course participants.  Here we will be able to connect with each other, and share our experiences.  Click on the button below to access and join the group.

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